About Me

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I am a Special Education teacher at J.R. Smith Elementary, mother of 3 amazing children and madly in love with the man of my dreams.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The adventure in Potty Training....

 This by far was one of Haigen's favorite birthday presents. A potty! He was so excited to play on it when we got home from his birthday party. He got a stack of books and set them right next to his potty and wanted his big boy underwear on. He never did anything in the toilet that night but man was he excited about it. We are going to hit it hard this summer when Mommy is off and hopefully it will go smooth. Wish us luck!

Happy 2nd Birthday Haig!

I can not believe that my little man is already 2 years old. He has been such a joy and blessing in our life. Here are some of the few adorable pictures of Haigen this past year. He got a pair of roller skates from Grandma and Grandpa for Easter and thought he was a cool kid trying them out, that was until he got on the tile :)
 On his birthday Aunt Cher brought over a baby miniature goat for Travis to feed every couple hours while she was at work. If you can't tell by Haig's face he was pretty excited and said, " Happy Birthday to me?" He was sad to see little Tinkerbell go home that day. We had an awesome birthday party on the 28th for him at the park with tons of friends and family. ( Pictures coming soon)
Haigen is such a smart, fun little boy. Some of his favorite things this year are:
Food: Chicken and fries
Color: Blue
Thing to do: Play outside with Will and Wyatt
His favorite thing to say: " Oh my gosh!"
Favorite toy: His dog Chocolate Milk 
He also took swimming lessons the past couple weeks and was such a quick little learner. He is going to be a fish this summer.
It has been so fun to watch him learn and grow the last two years and we can't wait to see what the terrible two's will bring :)


Over Spring Break we went and spent the weekend at the cabin with everyone and celebrated Easter. After being at the cabin for about 10 minutes Trav fell and hurt his foot. We went down to the emergency room in Payson but nothing was broken just really bruised and torn muscle. It got worse and worse as the days went on with the bruising and swelling but he is able to weight bare on it now and is heading back to work on Monday with it.
As for me I was continuing in my training for my marathon in June and after a half marathon in March my hip was giving me problems so I rested for a few days and got back to it, then a couple of weeks ago I went running with a couple friends of mine that are doing the marathon with me and at mile 7 my hip was killing me, I tried to walk/rub until mile 9 and then I couldn't take it anymore. I ended up walking to mile 13 and then the girls came back and picked me up. Well after some xray's and doctor visits I have a fracture on my hip and will need to take it easy on the running for 6 months at least. So no marathon this year for me. I am okay with that and someday down the road I will get that marathon under my belt. All I can say with our little family is thank goodness we have insurance :)