About Me

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I am a Special Education teacher at J.R. Smith Elementary, mother of 3 amazing children and madly in love with the man of my dreams.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 2010

Wow June has flown by for our family! Haigen will be 2 months old on Sunday and is growing like a weed. At his last doctors appointment he gained 15 oz. in 2 weeks so he is getting chunky and we are loving it. He loves to talk to you and tell you stories and the cutest thing is he loves to smile. He wakes up in the middle of the night just grinning from ear to ear, he loves waking up in the morning and hanging out with his daddy before he goes to work and giving him lots of smiles. Trav is busy mowing lawns and tinkering with making his elk and deer horn lamps when he has time (and putting horns on anything he can find lol) :) His knee is still giving him problems and we are sick of dealing with the Heber doctors after we went there on Tuesday and they pulled out 8 ounces of blood and puss which was causing the swelling and we had been to the doctor two weeks previous and they didn't do anything so we have an appointment on Monday with an Orthopedic Surgeon in Park City to see what we can do to get his knee better. As for me I am just enjoying being a mommy and not having homework or school stuff to deal with.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

May - June 2010

So Haigen is 6 weeks old today already! It is crazy how fast time has flown by since he has arrived. We are loving being parents and have so much fun with him. He is already trying to sit up and holds his head up pretty well. He even has started to roll over and I had a video but cannot find it.His daddy was so excited about witnessing it for the first time.)
We also had his baby blessing on June 6th at the Wallsburg Town Hall. It turned out really nice.
As for mommy and daddy, I am enjoying having the summer off and having nothing but being a mommy to do everyday. Daddy is back to mowing lawns when the lawn mower is working.
Well thats all for May well update you at the end of the month!